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eTwinning Malta-European Seminar 2024


It was truly a pleasure to host the eTwinning Malta European seminar 2024: 

eTwinning & Well-Being in Schools at Paradise Bay Resort 23-24-25 May 2024.

Educators from 11 different European countries included: Bulgaria, Iceland, Slovakia, Sweden, Latvia, Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, Poland, Finland, Malta & Gozo participated, networked and interacted in a 3-day event. 

The seminar was launched by the eTwinning Malta Coordinator Dr. Rose anne Camilleri, Director for Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills Mr. Neil Attard and a representative from the European Union Programmes Agency – Mr Clifford Debattista.  Dr Amanda Bezzina from the Institute for Education presented a very inspiring keynote entitled: 

Holistic wellbeing that matters: Reflections on possibilities and challenges.

The ice-breaking activity using the app Action Bound, planned by Laura Schembri and Graziella Brincat, had participants roaming around the hotel and interacting with each other to finish off all the tasks presented.

On day 2 workshops included:

  • Using AI tools to enhance eTwinning projects and well-being: Michelle Saliba, Tania Formosa, Dorianne Farrugia

  • Harmony Through Heritage? Promoting Wellbeing via Europeana in eTwinning: Heathcliff Schembri

  • eTwinning Tools: Maria A. Magro, Frances Borg, Laura Schembri, Alexia Baldacchino, Mario Xerri


On day 3 professional development workshops, sharing of ideas and pedagogical practices culminated in the creation of innovative projects and above all the forging of new lasting friendships. 

eTwinning Malta-European Seminar 2023


eTwinning is part of the European School Education Platform ( wherein educators collaborate on projects with other schools from different European countries. The platform is part of the European Union's Lifelong Learning Programme, and it allows teachers and students to communicate, collaborate, and share information with their peers in other countries. The aim of eTwinning is to promote cross-cultural communication and understanding, as well as to enhance teaching and learning through the use of digital technologies.


Each year eTwinning Malta organises a European seminar focusing on eTwinning as a pedagogy and its tools. The eTwinning annual theme for 2023 - Innovation and Education: Being Creative with eTwinning (Technology, Innovation, AI, Pedagogy) - as well as digital literacy and the integration of eTwinning projects in the classroom were highly promoted and explored during the seminar. 

This year the seminar was another great success with educators from 12 European countries  including Malta & Gozo, networking, collaborating and sharing ideas at the Paradise Bay Resort in Cirkewwa 20-22 April 2023. 

The  Hon. Dr. Clifton Grima – Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation -  launched the seminar with a  video  speech.  We were also honoured to have with us several local and foreign experts leading our workshops:


Arjana Blazic was our keynote speaker and workshop leader – she is a teacher trainer, education technology consultant and course designer, based in Zagreb, Croatia. Rute Baptista was also invited as a workshop leader – she is a Pedagogue and currently acts as Professional Development Manager, in Brussels, in the European School Education Platform, from the European Commission.

Several workshops were conducted and included: Innovative Teaching Strategies, Pedagogical Innovation: myths and reality,  The use of Augmented Reality in Pedagogy, Digital Tools for eTwinning Collaborative Projects and Using Flip in the Classroom.


The event came to a conclusion with the sharing of practice and presentations of newly created project ideas, which were all initiated during  networking activites resulting in the registration of new eTwinning Collaborative Projects – the main objective of this seminar.

The seminar provided the opportunity for high quality professional development of educators and as a result maximising the learning journey of all our students for the years to come.

eTwinning School Label Awards 2021

Click on link to see eTwinning award ceremony held online on 
Thursday 3rd June 2021. Congratulations to all the schools involved.

eTwinning Online Seminar 2021 –
Media Literacy and Disinformation

Join us on Saturday the 24th April 2021 -

Only for Maltese Educators, other countries need to apply from their respective National Support Organisation.

Meet educators from various European countries, collaborate and make connections while learning more about eTwinning, Media Literacy and Disinformation.

Apply here :

eTwinning School Label Awards 2020

Click on link to see eTwinning award ceremony held online on 
Wednesday 1st July 2020. Congratulations to all the schools involved.

eTwinning Awards during the Embed Digital Literacy Conference and Awards Ceremony –

6th December 2019 

1. Best collaborative project - Emotions Come Emotions Go
• Michelle Saliba  • Daniela Scicluna   • Nadine Micallef   • Daniela Vella    • Jolene Borg Camilleri   • Beverley Licari    • Shirley Sawyer


2. Best Environmental Awareness project - Green Grass
Ramona Mercieca


3. Outstanding new comer award -
Mariestelle Spiteri


4. Best fun project – Kinder Coding Kids
• Michelle Saliba   • Jolene Vella  • Margaret Bartolo  • Carmen Azzopardi   • Alison Azzopardi   • Caroline Chetcuti  • Maria Olivari
• Charlene Tanti   • Ainsley Cassar


5. Best effort Award -
Louis Agius


6. Best National Early Years –  Discovering hidden gems in my hometown
• Melanie Bonello    • Deborah Ann Montebello   • Gertrude Mangion  • Matthew Borg  • Maria Camilleri


7. Best eTwinning School 2019  (For demonstrating whole school collaborative team work in various projects all year round)
San Gorg Preca College Paola Primary B


8. Best European Early Years - The little Music STEAMers
Francesca Bugeja


9. Best European Primary - Enjoyable English Time
Karen Farrugia


10. Best European Secondary - EU & US
• Mario Xerri    • Miriam Theuma Scerri

eTwinning seminar for church schools

15th November 2019

An eTwinning seminar was organised for kindergarten, primary and secondary church school educators on Friday 15th November, 2019. This event was organised by the Digital Literacy Team within the Secretariat for Catholic Education in collaboration with eTwinning Malta

eTwinning in the Classroom – Victoria, Gozo.

Another fruitful seminar just concluded on the island of Gozo. On the 9th November 2019 a group of educators participated in an eTwinning workshop where various projects were showcased and eTwinning explored as an innovative pedagogy.

The workshop commenced with a general overview of the eTwinning concept and its importance in the educational spectrum by Dr. Rose-anne Camilleri the eTwinning Coordinator. This was followed up by a walkthrough of the eTwinning platform and the various tools available in eTwinningLive by the eTwinning ambassador and head of department (HoD)for digital literacy Mr. Mario Xerri. Participants explored the platform and its uses in the classroom on their respective laptops.

Project examples and practical tips were demonstrated by Ms Ramona Mercieca, a secondary school teacher from Gozo Middle School.

Ms Antonella Giles, HoD for digital Literacy and eTwinning National Support Service lead the participants to explore other Web2.0 tools which educators can use to enhance the learning experiences of their students.

The seminar concluded with the participants discussing potential project ideas and partner finding.

Bridging eTwinning and Erasmus+

A joint workshop between EUPA & eTwinning NSS

The director for digital literacy Mr. Grazio Grixti opened the seminar by welcoming all participants, emphasizing the positive impact such projects have on both educators and students in enhancing digital key competences and 21st century skills, while promoting the concept of global citizenship.  The eTwinning Coordinator, Dr. Rose-anne Camilleri, proceeded in giving a brief overview of how eTwinning supports Erasmus+ projects and how the use of its platform can be an asset in the collaborative and networking aspect of the project.

Ms. Graziella Brincat, Head of Department for Digital Literacy (Handaq Middle School), shared her practical experiences in bridging eTwinning with an Erasmus+ project demonstrating the benefits reaped from integrating both.

A detailed overview of the Key Action 1 and Key Action 2 partnerships was given by EUPA staff : Mr. Christopher Gatt, Ms. Jessica Giordimaina and Ms. Christine Ciappara together with EUPA Programmes Manager Ms. Nathalie Buttigieg. Following this, participants were split into two groups according to the programme they were most interested in. During the workshop educators shared project idea possibilities and discussed the actual Erasmus+ application together with the workshop leader. The seminar concluded with up-to-date information of the upcoming deadlines and other meetings, support and seminars.

This seminar was a highly successful opportunity for educators from all levels to discuss, brainstorm and learn about creating potential Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects. The experts from both eTwinning and Erasmus+ very willingly guided and answered queries providing expertise and support to the participants present.

eTwinning School Labels Awards 2019
eTwinning Seminar for KGEs - 29th October 2018

Celebrating Cultural Diversity through Digital Literacy in eTwinning
19th - 21st April, 2018

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© 2024 by eTwinning Malta

Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills,

Joseph Abela Scolaro Street

Ħamrun, Malta 

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