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eTwinning Project
San Ġorġ Preca College, Valletta Primary

Our Year 4 students are taking their eTwinning project to the next level! This time, they've sent a special gift to their partner schools: an in-house book written by one of our past students, all in English!

We're so proud of their creativity and initiative in sharing this book with students from other countries. It's a fantastic way to bridge cultures and foster a love of reading!

Special thanks to our eTwinning ambassador Ms Melrose Borg Muscat and our HoD Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills Ms Tania Formosa

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St Joseph Junior School, Sliema

Throughout this academic year, the Grade 5 students, along with the support of several educators, have diligently worked on an eTwinning project. "Rakkonti Racconti" is a collection of short stories in Maltese and Italian, created by children for children. Four schools collaborated on this wonderful project, providing a highly rewarding and educational experience for both students and educators.

The participating schools were: St Joseph Junior School Sliema, St. Augustine College, St Francis School, Msida-San Ġwann and I.C. Wojtyla - Arenella Palermo

eBook Link

A small token was given to all Grade 5 students as a thank you for taking part in this project. Thanks to eTwinning Malta and DDTLS.

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St Clare College, San Ġwann Primary

The students of year 4.4 of Mr. Roger took part in an eTwinning Project called 'Wellbeing Heroes'. They had an activity where they had to decipher colour coded bracelets. These bracelet came from from our partners. Each bracelet had a positive message related to one's wellbeing and the students had to decipher what message their bracelet had. Likewise, our students made a number of Bracelets which were sent to our partners and the foreign students needed to decipher our own positive messages. Well done 4.4. 

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San Injazju, Primarja Qormi San Ġorġ

Il-Klassijijet tal-Ħames Sena tas-Sa Nicolette Gatt u tas-Sa Stephanie Grech ħadu sehem fi proġett tal-Etwinning li kien jismu Bil-Qwiel u l-Idjomi l-Malti Mogħni. F’ dan il-proġett l-istudenti użaw it-tablets fejn ħolqu ritratti virtwali u vidjows li jispegaw il-qawl jew l-idjoma li ngħatat, ħolqu stejjer b’xi qawl jew idjoma u anke ipparteċipaw fi quizzes ma’ skejjel Maltin oħra. L-istudenti kollha qassmu x-xogħol tagħhom mal-iskejjel li pparteċipaw u b’hekk tagħlmu iżjed minn għand xulxin.

Ritratti moħluqin permezz ta’ Artificial Intelligence ġo Padlet.

Bil-Qwiel u l-Idjomi l-Malti Mogħni! (4sa6) - Intella' post interessanti dwar xi qawl jew idjoma. (

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St Clare College Sliema Primary School

This scholastic year our kinder classes participated in an eTwinning project called We 'live' stories. In this project there were partners from Turkey, Greece and Romania and other schools from Malta - Pembroke Primary and Valletta Primary. In this project students had the possibility to see other activities related to stories done by other students. Teachers had the possibility to collaborate with each and share ideas. These were also uploaded in a book creator.

STMC M'Skala St Joachim Primary

Our year 3s together with students from Latvia and Turkey collaborated on a project entitled ‘United by the Sea’.

During today’s special assembly they shared some of the activities they carried out and highlighted the web 2.0 tools used. Through this project, students not only enhanced their knowledge about the sea and oceans but also learnt how to use information and communication technology in a meaningful way, and making the most of 21st-century skills.

St Ignatius College Qormi St Sebastian Primary school

During the month of May, Year 5.3 had the pleasure of welcoming Polish students who have been our pen pals since last December. It was their first visit to Malta and their first time interacting with our students in person.

On the first day, we engaged in various ice-breaker games, introduced them to traditional Maltese games, and participated in a treasure hunt around the school to help them familiarise with our school. The Polish students also shared one of their traditional games in their language, fostering a fun and friendly atmosphere.

The second day was dedicated to cultural exchange; we watched a video about Maltese traditional food, tasted the famous Maltese cheeselet (ġbejniet), and collaboratively made a ftira, a popular local dish.

The Polish students also participated in our Music lesson, adding to the enriching experience. We are excited for more activities together in the coming days and deepening our newfound friendships.

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St Clare College, San Ġwann Primary
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Year 6.1 took part in an eTwinning Project called My Cultural Treasure. This project took us back to the roots of our traditions and customs, revisiting our traditional clothes, our dance il-Maltija, traditional food, traditional story characters like Gaħan, traditional games, Maltese tiles and other traditions. Of course we loved learning about our partners traditions too!  

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St Benedict College, Secondary School, Kirkop

Students of Year 9.2 as part of their work in the eTwinning project called Stop, think, plan, then...Act had to work together collaboratively to create a photo with a slogan that represents one of the themes of the project. Slogan, set up, ideas...everything is their work.

They are all wearing their house bands, to show what houses can do together.

Well done...we're very proud of what you've managed to come up with.

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Maths -Tails - St Thomas More College, M'Xlokk Primary

St Thomas More College, M’Xlokk Primary is participating in s multi-lateral Maths and Literacy project based on the story 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental.This project is being tackled through different subjects throughout the scholastic year. During this collaboration, each country will send a wandering penguin that will travel to each participating school.

The Year 3 and 5 students prepared their penguin called Peppinu to travel to their eTwinning partner schools with a passport and online travel journal. They also presented him to all 4 foreign schools during a video conference while getting to know the other penguins who will be visiting their school in the coming months.

Another activity was done by the Year 5 students in the school grounds. They had a Maths trail with Actionbound and also a Treasure Hunt to see where Chilly, the little penguin with blue feet from the story 365 Penguins, travelled to. This activity continued on the following day during a literacy lesson where the children created postcards for Chilly about the country he's visiting. Great thanks go to Ms. Morris (HOD Maths), Ms Gatt (HOD DDLTS) and Ms Spiteri (Support Teacher DDLTS) for the creation and organization of this activity.

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Mucize Parmaklar – Gozo College Rabat Primary

Ms Daniela Vassallo K1 Peacocks class of 2021-2022

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Back in October 2021, I was invited to take part in this project alongside 10 Turkish educators.  The project aim was to support young children’s muscle development through enjoyable and age-appropriate activities. In parallel to these simple activities, we aimed to support our students’ Cognitive, Language, Social and Emotional development areas.  Regular meetings between us teachers, made this project a successful one as we all got to discuss in real time the tasks to do and the challenges that one might encounter. This helped us all to adapt the activities as needed depending on our student’s ages and capabilities. The project was a success as the expected results were achieved! Our students worked well together, supported and learned from each other. Looking forward for the next one!


Sharing with you a link to a coding activity video done with my students:

What’s your story?

The project gave our students the chance to develop creativity and combine the English language with art, expressing their special but diverse skills and talents. Improving language skills, especially using English as a common tool of communication was a major objective.

Cooperative learning was used to help students share their thoughts and ideas. Discussing European stories and carrying out literacy activities using digital tools increased students’ interest in the English language. It helped to develop their cognitive skills and key competences.

The students created a variety of writings including comics, fake Instagram profiles, different story endings, Bio poems, interviews with characters from the stories, Escape rooms, story cubes and newspaper articles among others. They used various digital tools to carry out the literacy activities including WordArt, Pixton / Storyboard, Flipgrid, Linoit, Padlet, Genially (to create Escape rooms), ReadWriteThink, Storyjumper, Author Premium, Vocaroo, Fodey, Author Premium and Learning Apps.  Students participated with enthusiasm. In transnational groups, students chose a participating country and a topic and searched for information about it. They then presented this work on our countries on a Padlet map. Click the pdf icon for more info.

Ms. Nadette Camilleri Pavia

Read, Share & Enjoy! Story telling for early years

More sharing of local good practice! Well done to everyone involved and thank you St. Clare College -

San Ġwann Primary School for sharing!


As part of an eTwinning Project for Early Years, years 1.2 and 1.3 introduced a story for World Book day. The story was shared through a video conference that was organised with Qormi SG Primary. During this conference, the teachers and their students presented their activities and performed a role-play.

Busy eTwinners!

Gozo Middle School


Our Eco-Schools/LEAF/eTwinning team has been busy working on a fantastic project with the aim to embellish our school and to mitigate the effects of climate change.

We are pleased to share with you our first vertical garden. In the photos you can see how unwanted pallets have been transformed into beautiful shelves for plants. Pots were made from used plastic bottles.


Well done to all students and teachers involved!

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eTwinning Project- A Curious Bunch


Sharing of practice from local context!

Well done Ms. Ritianne from Żabbar Primary A kindergarten.


Our first Etwinning experience The little ones had the opportunity to meet other children from another school and also engage in various learning experiences in relation to the storybook ‘Where is the green sheep?

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Teaching learning and having fun through eTwinning
at St. Clare College - San Ġwann Primary School

Several classes at San Ġwann primary are taking part in different eTwinning projects. These projects are very interesting and involve a lot of work and commitment. These projects are:

Nitilqu lsienna u naqbdu l-lapes (K1.1; K1.3; K1.4; K2.2; K2.4; K2.5)

Travelling Angels (K1.6)

Read, Share and Enjoy - Story Telling Project for Early Years (Year 1.2 & 1.3)

6 SkyWays of the World We dream about (Year 6.1 & 6.3)

Eco Footprint (Year 6.1)

Well done to all the teachers, LSEs and students taking part.

Sharing good practices online session -
Integrating eTwinning in the classroom

On Friday 21st January 2022 an online session was organised by the eTwinning NSS for eTwinners to share good practices on how eTwinning is being integrated in the classroom. This session was addressed to both primary and secondary educators. eTwinners had the possibility to share their eTwinning ideas and experiences with other educators. Click these files so that you can view some of the presentations. 

21st Century with STEM

After attending the first batch of online Series of eTwinning webinars for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), Ms. Raissa Scicluna Micallef a KGE from St. Benedict College, Birżebbuġa Primary School together with her Kinder 2.5 class, are now embracing their first eTwinning project called "21st Century with STEM".

Ms. Scicluna Micallef is working close with Ms. Kimberley Borg (Lse) and Ms. Olivia Schembri (kge reliver) to ensure that students get a great experience from this project which is in collaboration with Gorukle Hazinedaroglu Ozkan ilkokulu school, a primary school in Gorukle Zafer Turkey.

This European project is providing stakeholders with first hand experiences on how to build upon stories, be creative participants, engage through a number of hands on activities, achieve new learning outcomes while doing all this within the curriculum.

Here is a video sent by Ms. Raissa who is sharing her practice within the project

Read, Share & Enjoy- Story Telling Project for early Years

Year 1 teachers Ms Suzie, Ms. Michela & Ms. Marilyn at St Clare College Pembroke Primary are currently participating in an eTwinning project where educators from different schools share their practices of storytelling in the early years.

During today's special assembly Ms. Suzie shared with the rest of the school what etwinning projects entail and about the project that they are doing at the moment.

Click to view presentation

Click to view ebook created by Book creator

My eTwinning Experience

Ms. Yentl Xuereb (KGE) from SBC Għaxaq Primary School participated in various eTwinning projects during the past scholastic years.

She shared her eTwinning experience through a presentation. 

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eTwinning Project- Easter Box

Easter Box

This European project is aimed at preschoolers.
The aim of this project is to teach pupils about different Easter traditions around Europe.
Preschoolers will prepare a box full of Easter traditions, customs and send it to their e-Twinning partner kindergarten.

For more information about this project click on the presentation below created by Malta- Ms. Doreen Barr (Smart from the Start Childcare Centre & Croatia- Ms. Kristina Zorić-Beslema (Dječji vrtić Vukovar 1, Vukovar, Croatia)

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eTwinning Projects - Vittoriosa Primary
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During this scholastic year 2020/21, St Margaret College - Vittoriosa Primary participated in two eTwinning projects:

  • Easter Traditions involving all KGEs

  • Teddy Goes Virtual involving a Year 1 class


Click on the PDF icons below for more details related to these projects.

A big well done to all educators and students that worked hard during this particular scholastic year. 

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eTwinning Project : Beat the Boredom

This scholastic year we embarked on a journey through classical fables and fictional tales together with partners from Malta, Poland, Italy, Turkey and Germany. The project came to an end after a whole year of monthly planning, implementations and evaluations in which we turned stories into various activities. 


Monthly, the chosen stories were challenged with various tasks in which as a class we investigated through play and s.t.e.a.m education. Taking slots and pieces from the stories to highlight our learning outcomes was smooth to all partners because there was consistent collaboration even during school lock downs. 


From the start the aim of this project was to ensure that activities could be done anywhere and by anyone, there the pandemic did not hinder our learning. This is why on Friday 28th May 2021, we decided to meet up online through Twinspace Live events in order to celebrate together the end of this successful project we all have put our minds and hearts into. While meeting online, each representative country made flags to wave and use throughout the event. During the event we showed the students our collaborative video which we did as a whole team, the ebook and our padlet. The excitement was indeed visible in everyone's faces and a heartwarming moment when students refer to each other as "my friends". 


Before hanging up on our call, each participant joined in with singing and dancing to do a last celebration together as part of our etwinning journey. 


Links below:


Collaborative video:


Collaborative ebook: 

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eTwinning Schools Online Celebration 2021

On 3rd June 2021, we celebrated the eTwinning School Label award in an online celebration. Anne Gilleran, senior pedagogical advisor for eTwinning was amongst the special guests invited along with Dr. Frank Fabri Permanent Secretary within the Ministry and Mr.Grazio Grixti director for Digital Literacy. We also hosted all the awarded schools who shared their eTwinning journey. Here are some highlights of the event!

1. Vittoriosa Primary School - 

2. St. Francis Primary School -

3. Sliema Primary School-

4. Qrendi Primary School -

5. Qormi San Gorg Primary School-

6. Kalkara Primary School -

7. Hamrun GP Primary School -

8. Mriehel Secondary School -

9. Digital Literacy Centre – Secondary -

10. Digital Literacy Centre – Primary -

11. Mgarr Primary School -

12. Sannat Primary School- 
Recording of the session: 
Presentation by Anne Gilleran: 

St. Nicholas College Dingli Primary and San Ġorġ Preca Valletta Primary are among the Primary schools that obtained the eTwinning School label 2020-2021. 

Click on the below links to view how these schools promoted this award.

eTwinning School label

Another successful conference - Empowering Future Teachers with eTwinning. Click this link to view more information about this conference.

eTwinning Conference
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© 2025 by eTwinning Malta

Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills,

Joseph Abela Scolaro Street

Ħamrun, Malta 

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